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struggling with infertility? I see you

Find the Answers solutions hope
you need to get pregnant

You want a baby more than anything...
but nothing you've tried has worked

Many women who believe they have everything else in their lives figured out—nice homes, great partners, successful careers—can feel totally lost when they can’t get pregnant.  If you feel stuck between basic OB care and the big leap to IVF, you’ve come to the right place.

I'd love to hear your story

I'm Dr. Grace Charles—a naturopathic fertility doctor specializing in diagnosing and treating infertility in Colorado & Utah.

As a physician and holistic fertility specialist who’s worked with thousands of women, I understand how frustrating and emotional this journey can be.  I’m here to help you get to the root cause of why you haven’t gotten pregnant, and map out a personalized plan to improve your reproductive health and grow your family.

are you ready for testing?

Get the answers you need to get pregnant

I know how frustrating it is when your OB doesn’t have answers for you.  It feels like there should be more steps and options available between seeing your OB and moving forward with IVF.  If you’re dealing with any of the conditions below, or want to be proactive with your fertility, we can begin testing and getting you the answers you need to grow your family.

My Process

Find effective solutions rooted in evidence-based medicine, specialized expertise, and personalized care that addresses your every concern.

During the deep dive history, I take the time to truly understand your unique circumstances and challenges, providing a compassionate and personalized approach to your fertility journey.

Using labs and testing, we will identify any underlying factors or issues that may be impacting your fertility, giving you valuable insights and guiding your treatment plan.

I will empower you with knowledge, providing you with the tools and information you need to make informed decisions and take control of your fertility journey.

By ordering and interpreting a semen analysis, we can assess male fertility factors, ensuring a comprehensive and holistic approach to addressing any potential issues.

I provide all of my patients with a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, along with personalized lifestyle and supplement recommendation, helping optimize your chances of starting a family.

I connect and collaborate with your current healthcare providers to eliminate confusion and help
you meet your goals faster.

With regular practitioner visits and ongoing email support, I will be by your side every step of the way, providing guidance, support, and reassurance, ensuring you never feel alone on your fertility journey.

Let's look at the basics

Foundations of Fertility


Nurturing your body by minimizing environmental toxins


Incorporating exercise into your routine provides physical & emotional benefits


Managing and reducing stress is the cornerstone of fertility care


A therapeutic diet can provide a foundation for reproductive health


Gut health and digestion is a critical component of your fertility journey

Let's Connect

Schedule a Free Call

get answers

Frequently asked questions

Over the course of 6 months, you and Dr. Charles will meet 7 times for (virtual) face-to-face appointments. Between those visits, you can email Dr. Charles with additional questions and concerns. Dr. Charles will order and review appropriate blood work and diagnostic tests. She will also order and review a semen analysis for your male partner if this is something you are interested in. You will receive, throughout the program, curated information (handouts, videos) regarding your specific health condition and treatment plans. Finally, the program includes a specialty lab test – an Environmental Pollutants Profile – that you will complete at home, that will help Dr. Charles make additional decisions about your care.
The program costs $3200. Half of the fee is collected two days before your deep dive intake visit, and the remaining half is collected 30 days later.
Lab costs (with the exception of the Environmental Pollutants Profile) are not included. The reason for this is that everyone has different lab needs. Some patients have already had “everything” tested, while others need a comprehensive order. Most patients only need a few remaining tests ordered to fill in the gaps of their care. Additionally, some patients like to see if their health insurance covers their lab work. Dr. Charles does offer a comprehensive lab package through Quest Labs for $525. This is for a patient who hasn’t had any testing done, needs a complete fertility assessment, and prefers to pay out of pocket.
Like labs, supplement recommendations will be individualized to each patient. Dr. Charles recommends supplements at a discount through an online dispensary for easy accessibility.
At the end of the 6 month program, you will have transformed your reproductive health and have a clear pathway to growing your family. Depending on circumstances, you may choose to continue your care with Dr. Charles after 6 months – if, for example, you would like to have her on your healthcare team while you are pregnant, or want additional support during an IVF cycle, or simply need to reach out with the occasional question or concern, this type of as-needed care can be arranged.
This is a question we field most often, and it is the most difficult to answer. Success for natural conception depends on your age and diagnosis. It also largely depends on your compliance with the treatment plan. Dr. Charles is an expert at discovering the root cause of your infertility, and that root cause may or may not be prohibitive to natural conception. Should you choose to pursue “high tech” fertility solutions (RE: IVF), your work with Dr. Charles improves your likelihood of success with both egg retrieval and embryo transfer. Dr. Charles will be happy to try and answer this question with you on an individual basis, once she better understands your diagnosis.
All patient appointments are conducted via a secure zoom feed. Messaging and lab/document sharing with Dr. Charles is done within the patient portal. Dr. Charles can request and receive past records, connect with your current healthcare team, and access your test results electronically. There are a few limitations with telehealth, and for that reason Dr. Charles requires all her patients to establish care with a local (to patient) gynecologist.


10 things you can do to improve your fertility TODAY

Learn about 10 evidence-based recommendations that will help you start reclaiming your reproductive health right away.

Ready to Get started?


Step 1

Schedule a Free Call

Let’s meet so we can see how this is the right fit for you.


Step 2

Begin the Process

During a 90-minute consultation, we dive into your fertility health.


Step 3

Get Clarity

Live with confidence because you finally know why you haven’t gotten pregnant (and what to do about it).


Step 1

Schedule a Free Call

Let’s meet so we can see how this is the right fit for you.


Step 2

Begin the Process

During a 90-minute consultation, we dive into your fertility health.


Step 3

Get Clarity

Live with confidence because you finally know why you haven’t gotten pregnant (and what to do about it).

Schedule your free call

I'd Love to work with you

By working together, you’ll gain clear answers and a sense of control over your fertility journey.  The first step? Simply schedule a call.  It could be the beginning of turning your hopes of having a baby into a well-planned reality.